House of Europe
Educational experience program

House of Europe is a new program supported by the European Union. Its goal is a professional and creative exchange between Ukraine and the European Union in areas of culture, education, healthcare, social entrepreneurship, media competence, and youth work.

Goethe-Institut Ukraine
Design, Layout, Programming, Support
Grid system
The bold design reminds a visual constructor, adding a character to a media platform.
Map of Website
We decided to carry out an interface in the form of a user-friendly diagram. Chosen design helps the user to see the whole range of House of Europe possibilities and services with the very first click.
Mobile Version
Though the website design was experimental, the team has chosen tools of adaptive page layout for a mobile version. It helped to achieve maximum comfort for the user on the platform.
Style Guide
Fonts Stolzl Display and Stolzl were inspired by the geometry of the Bauhaus art school of an Art Deco period and the neutral design of Swiss style.
The main colors are blue and yellow
Deep colors create soft contrast and help with text reading. The overall palette brings a sensation of freshness and sets a creative mood, while accentuated bright sections draw the attention of the user where it is necessary.
R0 G91 B255
R210 G246 B2
R0 G156 B151
R140 G104 B246
R255 G114 B118
R196 G206 B219